Compass 2022 Video - Social and Affordable Design

In this Compass 2022 video, presented by COLORBOND® steel, Melissa Bright from Studio Bright talks about their Women’s Property Initiative (WPI) Older Women’s Housing Project. Bright discusses social and affordable design in the context of colour and community.

The WPI Older Women’s Housing Project according to Bright is a “very humble architectural project but we hope it will have big ambitions beyond the site.” The project is designed to assist low-income women who are ineligible for social housing and consists of four single-storey, 2 bedroom units, each with its own car space. Each home has been designed to NDIS improved liveability standards.

Studio Bright was drawn to the project as they were aware that single women are the fastest growing household type and the issues with housing affordability and security for older women. “It was an opportunity to use our design skills and help contribute towards providing good living and outcomes for these women,” explained Bright.

The skillion roofs made from COLORBOND® steel Pale Eucalypt® are orientated towards the sun and according to Bright they contribute “colour and delight to the neighbourhood.”

Bright highlights that the Pale Eucalypt® colour was a key element in the project and an important design consideration. “The selection of COLORBOND® steel roofing has inspired the colour palette for this project, helping to define much of its playful character. Colour is a useful tool in terms of design as often there is no extra cost to think carefully about colour in a project. Often, it’s a lot about balance - strong colour, but not overpowering or loud. And it must sit well with the other materials selections, like in this project, the brick and timber cladding.”

Importantly the project is not limited to this site. Bright explains, “we have designed the units to be able to adapt to other sites and adjust their orientation. We hope this durability is something that talks to the potential and scalability… and hopefully expands the opportunity this project has to make a difference to older women’s lives.”

To find out more, please watch the Compass 2022 video, Social and Affordable Design, featuring Melissa Bright and presented by COLORBOND® steel.

See more videos from Compass 2022



COLORBOND® steel Compass Video 2022. Social and Affordable Design. August 2022

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